The Orb Museum
Muse 美しきものたち
Museum、その語源はギリシア神話に登場する文芸に通ずる美の女神「ミューズ(Muse / Musai)」にあります。ミューズは、天空神ゼウスと、記憶の神ムネモシュネーのあいだに生まれた9人の女神の総称と言われています。
Meme 伝え残すべきものたち
こうした対話から生まれる豊穣さは、― かつての芸術がそうであったように― 私たちの生命を感化させてゆきます。その気づきは、一つの文化遺伝子「ミーム(Meme)」を形づくるものへと確かな連なりを予感させます。この美しきものたちから生まれ育まれていくものを、私たちは未来に向かって伝え残していくべきものだとその主観的体験の共有を通じて考えるようになりました。
The Orb Museum
Muse: a beautiful object
Museum, the origin of this name comes from the Greek goddess of Beauty, Muse/Musai, who is well up on literature. Muse is a sisterhood of goddesses or spirits, nine in number, and they are the daughters of Zeus, king of the gods, and Mnemosyne, goddess of memory.
Each of the nine goddesses ruled different types of academies and arts. The goddesses are Calliope(muse of epic or heroic poetry), Clio(muse of history), Euterpe(muse of music and lyric poetry), Thalia(muse of comedy and bucolic poetry),Melpomene(muse of tragedy), Terpsichore(muse of choral song and dance), Erato(muse of love or erotic poetry, lyrics, and marriage songs), Polyhymnia(muse of sacred song, oratory, lyric, singing and rhetoric) and Urania(muse of astronomy). It was thought that there must have been three Muses before the myth of nine Muses came about. In this myth, there were three original Muses:Mneme (memory), Aoide (song or voice)and Melete (practice or occasion). The myth changed with time, and through literary text and physical performances, became an intangible and timeless form of Art.
Orb, what we strongly realised in the act of carrying on the dialogue with various people was 'Beautiful Object'. Why we thought it was beautiful?
The journey to unravel the mystery of this beautiful object, the Orbs, has begun.
Meme: a traditional heritage
To be sure, there were some people who are afraid of seeing Orbs.
However, although fearful, the mysterious balls of light were was somehow attractive even for these people. They came to the Orb meeting sessions, listened to the imaginative discussions, and at times shared their thoughts.
Freedom of expression(all opinions and thoughts) was encouraged, because there are no decisive answers-- Orbs are a mysterious existence. Orbs gave way to a world of free dialogue to continue discussions on the rule of the 9 muses. Touching our human nature, touching our intrinsic parts and, as the consequence, the walls which we can't see between each and every one of them melted away. It became a new art.
The wealth that arose from the dialogue influence our life in the same way the former art used to do. A realization strikes us that what we get through dialog is an ever-continuing cultural gene (= meme). We thought that we should hand down and share the things which are coming out of beautiful objects for our future generations, by sharing with our personal Orb-experiences.
From a beautiful object to a traditional heritage.